
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Unknown an unknown movie to many

Next in line to talk about, although I have it slightly out of order date wise, was a film known as "Unknown Island" which came out a year before Joe ravaged the screens in 1948. The film attempted to use suits for the first time!....unsuccessfully. The end results were laughable but may have actually added to the entertainment slightly. The most well made suit in the entire movie looked nothing like it was supposed to scientifically look like.....see the giant possum looking creature on the lower left of the poster above? this is what was given to represent that.(see below)

ahh a face only a mother could love. Anyway they attempted to put together suit acting for the first time in order to save budget and unfortunately it did NOT work well. The story involves a couple wanting to go to an island where her husband has her convinced their were live dinosaurs still walking. The story progresses as they come across a man, while looking for someone to charter a ship, who agrees to help them since he wanted to return there for "photographs" and only "photographs" since he had seen a dinosaur as he flew over the island one year. Well as per usual this is a total lie which could easily be predicted. The cast is "menaced" on the island by poorly made carnivorous dinosaurs that make terribly made vocal roars, and by a sloth creature we can see above....did not work. This accompanied by Secret of the Loch was just one of the reasons Mighty Joe Young may have just happened to "save" the genre.

I have a clip of our dinosaur friends from the movie trailer can be found as of yet

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